Saturday, 24 June 2017

links for the final assiments

oo design


game play


my animation is a man in a gun battle with a enemy but the camera is focused on the man shooting he will shoot a couple of times with two pistols then one will run out and after it runs out he will throw the gun at the enemy and use the last bullets in the gun he has left then will reload with his last magazine and kill the enemy.

i created this animation using key framing and rotation tools also used the rigging to move limbs and
used the parent tool to allow the gun to move with the mans hands.


Friday, 23 June 2017

Unit 71
 OO Design within the game 

my character


The shooting blueprint works by using a "if" statement checking weather the variable for the guns mag is greater than 0 it will -1 from the magazine count and +1 on to used ammo variable if true then it will fire, if false it will display reload on the screen. The movement for the character works by pressing W,A,S,D to move around but is blueprinted using a movement input blueprint. but the rifle has a extra branch which checks if the gun is auto or not if it is false then it will shoot normally if true it will go though a gate thats linked to the tick event to make is automatic.


This works by checking if the ammo count in the magazine is equal to 8 if true it will display clip full, if false it will then see if the overall ammo count is greater than 0; if true it will then check if used ammo is greater than the overall ammo count. When false it will take away used ammo from the overall ammo count and refill the magazine to full and reset the used ammo to 0. 

select fire

this works by pressing q to change the Boolean variable using a flip flop to switch between tru and false.

laser or touch 

this works by pressing f to switch between the flash light and the laser on both weapons for this to work i used the set light intensity to 0 to turn off and then max to turn on.

throw spear 

this works by pressing k to create the spear projectile its just simple spawn actor at the location of the player.


this works by pressing left shift pressed will add 600 to max speed when released is will set it back to normal.

switch gun 

this works by pressing 1 to show the pistol and the ammo integers for this gun 2 will show the rifle and this guns integers.

rifle aim though scope 

first it checks if the weapon is the rife then is starts a timeline which the return value will set the zoom distance then it just sets visibilty to visable then and then sets the gun hidden when button is relesed it dose the reverse of the pressed.


the ui is pritty simple all it dose is draws the variables to the health bar, energy, mood and then characters ammo.  main menu this just has buttons. play opens world level and quit closes game. scope this is the widget for the rifle aim.


this uses ai move to. its desternation is just random untill it sees the player then it will follow the player untill it collides then it will move random again.

this event just makes a collide action for all projectiles simple when projectile hit destroy actor but the spear will stick to the enemy inbeded in the characters chest.

when you press e it will allow you to get in and out of the car tab enables the interior camra. the car can only go certain places

Thursday, 22 June 2017

3d enviroment

environment video

landscape was mad by using various tools to form the mountains i used the sculpt tool to make the shape and then i used a mixture between the two erosion tools to create the rigged effect of the rock. i then made a few hills so the world wasn't completely flat this was done with the sculpt and smooth tool as they are not meant to be rocky so there was no need for the erosion tools. the river bed was made by using sculpt and smooth and hydro erosion to create a smooth bed and a few smooth banks but some places need to be rocky because a river is not all smooth. to texture i use my custom material so i could paint the texture where i wanted them.


river bed

trees were place using the foliage as placing them one by one would take ages where with the foliage you can paint them on the landscape placing thousands if you want.

the tunnel i made the model in maya then imported it into unreal and then i plaed them and use a tool called visibility in the landscape tab which hides bits of your landscape so you can pass through.

house was made in maya and imported in and placed at the end of a dirt road.

buildings were built in maya as a puzzle so they could be placed in the world to make different sized buildings.

bridge was built in Maya as a single piece as i didn't know how wide the river bed was. then imported it into the game and just puzzled it together to form the hole bridge and the water is simply a cube with the water material on it.

lampost where made in maya and then placed in roads with a point light component to simulate the lighting these are only place on tarmac