Monday, 18 April 2016

Unit 73 Sound For Computer Games.

Btec Extended Diploma in Games Development
Unit 73 Sound For Computer Games.

space invaders game 

for this game i will need a background sound, a shooting sound, a flying sound and a explosion

the shot sound will be used for the players shots and will play every time you press the space key i will use a gun shot for this but a mini gun for the power up shots 

the back ground sound will play from the start of the game till the end this will be a light beat for this sound i could make it quicker as you progress through the levels 

the power up sound will be for the drop-ship flight will be a quicker thruster sound as the drop ship goes faster

there will be a explosion sound for the destruction of enemy's this will properly be a simple explosion.

here you can see that may sounds were all saved as a mp3 as a stereo recording i have made 4 sounds for my game a explosion a lazer sound a thrust er noise and a beat for the game each sound has a different file size and they are all 32 bit also each sound has been added to my game space invaders.

the lazers sound was made by making a chirp-saw tooth noise and had around 1200 starting Hz and 50 end Hz then i faded the sound out and used a low pass filter also changed the pitch slightly to make it more high pitched this sound was then applied to two objects one being the player and the other is the player power.

the explosion was made by a friends voice and was edited loads to make it how it is i mainly used fade out low pass filter and a bit of echo also changed the pitch and speed and mixed in a little bass. the was added to all three of the enemy collision with player bullet code.

the thrust er noise was made by recording the wind and burning wood crackling and i merged them together and faded out with a pitch change and speed change the sound was added to the drop ship moving code

the beat was created by using this button press web site and some basic bass beat sounds i merged them together and made the pitch lower and speed slower also i had made the tempo a little higher
and added a little echo.

my you tube proof of sounds


over all i think that the sound was good but i think personally that the beat didn't really suit the game as is up beat and has quite a bit of bass personally i think that it dosnt really match space invaders. to fix this i would make a softer beat and make it more original  in a way of a basic beat with a little less bass beat and maybe add a few more effects to improve it. however i would say that the rest of the sounds suited the game well but i think i would change the lazer sound for a bullet sound to make it more realistic.